Well I've made it 5 days on phase One of South beach! I had forgotten about how badly this phase depleats you of all your energy! I've been lifting in the morning as usual, and have done Power 90 but really really 1/2 arsed! I just wanted to cut a few of the pounds I put on last week. No real weight loss drop yet which is a little frustrating when I have been so diligent at zero carbing it this week. However I have successfully turned down desserts 3 times this week. That even included the uber delicious loft house sugar cookies currently in the cupboards this very moment. Depending on how much weight I've lost by Sunday I may just do phase two and just amp up my workouts. I do feel better though I have to say. It was also very nice to win the fight and regain some self control over my sugar obsession.
Doing phase one also tends to bring out the bitchiness (due to the lack of carbs and sugar detox!) but I think I've done a pretty good job of managing that too! I was worried about my patience or lack there of with the kids at school, but surprisingly I had a lot more than usual and was not as bothered by the "drama" that happens at recess. Even better surprise was how fast this week went by. I thought it would drag due to the fact that last week was spring break and the week prior to that I only worked 2 days. It really flew by though, and the next two weeks are four day weeks! I am hoping to get all caught up and maybe even ahead with my school assignments and projects during these longer weekends. I am just too dang old to be pulling these all nighters like I have been!
Well it is past bed time and 5:15 AM comes awfully fast!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Phase One No Fun!!
Posted by
11:08 PM
Monday, March 22, 2010
Oh boy!
Well I hate to say it but I kind of phased out the rest of the week as far as exercise went. My eating was horrible too dang it! I was so motivated to kick it up a knotch this week having access to a fitness center and pool. I love food though and unfortunately like in the past in won out! I'm not throwing in this towel yet though! I normally would have, but I really want to see this through! I'm going to to do my best to do south beach the next two weeks along with my Power90. I really need to knock sugar out completely and when I did south beach the first time it seemed to be the only thing that help me do that.
So I am not giving up I am stayin committed to this little venture of mine! I want to take control of myself again and be the queen of self discipline!
Posted by
8:13 PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Just keep pushing play!
Ok so my mind is so on vacation mode. It does not like knowing that exercise is a must! I put off doing P90 forever, but once I "pushed play" as Tony always says I was fine and in workout mode! I was laying on the couch and a P90X informercial came on. How did Tony know I was being lazy and laying on the couch?! I don't know if any of you have seen this informercial, but it really makes you want to get your butt off the couch so I did.
Tony is the main man in my life right now! He has so many quirky sayings that he shares while you are working your butt off. At the start of this adventure you want to press the mute button and punch him after he utters one of his many sayings, but after a while you grow to appreciate them. I've even found myself saying them! Of course instead of "Put the cheeseburger down" I say "Put the cupcake down!".
Posted by
1:33 PM
Monday, March 15, 2010
Back on the wagon!
Got my workout in and holy crap 4 days off hurt me! It almost felt like the first week again. I hate to see how tomorrow goes with cardio! I'm on it though. Alene and I found our old spreadsheet from a couple of years ago when we did southbeach and power 90. That first month we had pretty awesome results. She did super good because she ate a lot better. I cheated a few times and still lost a good amount of weight an inches. Seeing the numbers got me a little motivated and recharged to eat better and really see this program through. I am in the land of good food though so hopefully I won't go too crazy! Well I'm going to try out the elliptical now. I used to be able to do 45 minutes on that machine, I'm going to see if I can't just do 30 minutes! Yay for spring break!!
Posted by
9:34 AM
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Not a good start to Spring Break!
Ok so I had such plans for my Spring Break! I finished my last class for the week on Thursday and planned on heading to Gilbert on Friday. I had lots to do before leaving so I decided I would save my P90 workout for that evening. That was the first mistake. I should have just got it out of the way. Instead I headed out of town, but my car LaFawnduh, had other plans. I got an hour out of town and she decided to over heat. I stopped at the casino to let her cool down and on the upside I did make $20!! LaFawnduh was just going to cooperate though and so I had to head back home to Safford. I was so stressed and worried that on my way home I stopped at Jack in the box and ate a horribly. Once I got home I thought about doing my workout, but my stomach was so upset and angry with me eating so bad that I couldn't do it. I found out LaFawnduh needs a new water pump grrrr!
I don't want this to be a Debbie Downer blog though! Good news is that I am getting quite a bit back from my taxes so it will cover my water pump. I got a ride up to Gilbert and will get back on my workouts tomorrow. Alene's apartment has a great workout room and the pool is heated so I am stoked. My day 30 will be here soon and I really need to kick it into gear so that there can be a difference between my before stats and pics! Signing off from Gilbert!!
Posted by
6:26 PM
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hump Day Wednesday!
So I had a lot of comp time at work and so I am starting my spring break early as far as work goes. I'm so ready for spring break, not the lack of pay during it, but what can ya do right?! It was nice to get my Power 90 workout out of the way especially with the addition of two new night classes this semester. I'm really going to have to get my P90 done in the morning now because I'm not going to be getting out of classes till 10PM. Another dilema is the fact that my Tues and Weds class we are given a 30 min dinner break. Well all the girls usually get fast food and it is really hard for me not to join in. I can always find enough change for the dollar menu grrrr. My self discipline will truly be tested for sure. I caved last night and felt like crap so hopefully I can be stronger from now on.
Day 30 will be here quicker than I know it and I will have to take more pictures. I would love for there to be a difference between my before and day 30 pics however slight it my be! Luckily I have no money so I won't have to worry about binging while I'm in Gilbert over spring break! I'm bringing up some ramen and oatmeal wahoo! I can always hit up Costco during the prime hair netting times as well for lunch. I miss that!! It's not really cheating either because all the samples are bite size!!! Well Happy Hump Day!!
Posted by
10:20 AM
Monday, March 8, 2010
Day 15 it's finally a routine!
Well that's what they say anyways! I have to say it has become pretty routine for me to just "push play". The message boards and this blog also help with the whole accountability thing as well. I really just want to see something through to the finish. I've been doing pretty good on my bucket list as well. It's kind of exciting to cross things off my list!
My eating is still not where it needs to be, but I did do some grilling today for the week so we'll see if that doesn't help. I have to shrink about 4 stomachs so it's very hard to get my stomach to understand that it doesn't need to have something in it every hour! I watched my nephew put away a tv dinner, digorno pizza, 2 boxes of smart one desserts, and a 2 liter of mountain dew! It was frightening and when I realized that I was sitting next to him eating 3 pieces of pizza I was not far behind him! I didn't have the tv dinner but I put away quite few M&Ms. It's frightening how much food you can put away when you're not paying attention to what you're eating and you just watch tv! I'm actually glad I have more classes this next school session so that I will be busy & out of the house Tues, Weds, and Thurs nights.
I only have 3 days of work this week so I'm going to try and get my rythm back as far as jogging. I missed a 5K last month that I really wanted to participate in and was completely bummed! This next 5K is here in town so if I can pull the money together I should be able to run that. I also have the Relay for Life coming up the end of April which is where we walk all night to fight Cancer. This year it is really important to me since my Dad has now been diagnosed! I will be hitting everyone up for donations soon :)
Posted by
7:45 PM
Friday, March 5, 2010
New mantra!
Ok so I'm not liking how my new mantra covers Gerry's face, but I saw this saying on a poster at the high school gym and liked it a lot. I find myself quoting it quite often when I think that doing the last set of pushups is going to kill me. Or doing the abs I feel a lot of pain so apparently I have a lot of weakness in my abs! The weightlifting has gotten a little harder and so it has kept the whole soreness thing going, but I do have a some extra hop in my step I have noticed. Now I can chase the kids around the playground without hyper ventilatiing at least :) I've decided I am not going to even touch or look at the scale until the 30th day because it is more frustrating then helpful at this point. I also got a lot of good cooking advice from fellow P90 peeps so I will be doign a lot grilling this weekend so that I will have good healthy food for the week. I have cafeteria duty this whole week and those ladies love to feed me so it will be good to have my own food and not be tempted by the food there. Yes, I admit it I love the food there!
Well this is a short post for me, but I am really excited to go to bed and sleep in! I've really learned to love and appreciate 8 hours of sleep since I have turned 30! Sleep is also a favorite past time along with eating and since I have to cut down on the one I don't thing it would be good to do the same with sleep!
Posted by
9:41 PM
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Happy Friday Eve!
Ok so I think this blog might be a very good thing. I didn't post yesterday because I had a lot of homework to do (yes, procrastination might have had something to do with that!)and I'm a giant dork and Ghost Hunters was having a marathon so I did that instead and felt like a total slacker all night. I did exercise though! I did my normal early AM weightlift and then walked the 3.5 mile trail with my sister. I got jacked up on my Power 90 auto tracker so I to get back on track I skipped the sculpt for today. Yes, I am the queen of justification and justified my early morning weight lift session was good enough.
Today it was on again though. It is hard with school getting busier though and next week I will have night classes 3 times a week. I think this means I am going to have to buckle up and actually stay awake after my early AM weightlift and do Power 90 instead of my usual go back to bed routine :) I can do it I just need to get to bed earlier.
I wondered when I would get to see you blog my hartless friend! I have to say I wasn't sure who you were at first, then when I read the trapshooting commment I knew it was my buddy! Go you for starting a walking group! I would love to walk with you but you know me I would want to stop in all the yummy places on Center street!
My motivation for this month and to keep me pushing play is a the 5K a month from now for a friend I went to college with. I figure maybe if I keep setting small goals I'll keep on track.
My goal for next week is the eating. I really have to get it in check. I love food!! It loves me too unfortunately and doesn't want to leave my hips, stomache or thighs unfortunately. Well better get to bed. I'm going to give this early morning stuff a try.
Posted by
9:34 PM
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Today I'm hurtin' for certain!
Ok so as I've mentioned I have been lifting in the morning as well as the Power 90 and boy howdy today's weight lifting session kicked my booty! We did a lot of legs which is good, but I'm definitely feelin it! I am so excited that my friend Rue is doing Power 90 with me now. We have a habit of encouraging each other in our bad habits so we'll see if we can use our powers for good this time! She has amazing low fat protein filled recipes and can cook like no other. She is also going to school to be a nutritionist. Once I get into my workout routine I am a freak and love to work out a lot. I would love to be a personal trainer or aerobics instructor so between the two of us we make quite a team. Hopefully we can stick through this!
I had a break in my classes this week and have been walking a 3.6 mile trail the past 2 days which has been great and quite theraputic. I'm hoping I can get up earlier in the morning and keep it up.
A girl that I went to EA with has a really bad brain tumor and very young kids to look after. Her family is going to have a 5k fun run/walk for her the beginning of April and I would love to show my support and jog it! So that is my motivation this month.
Posted by
5:51 PM
Monday, March 1, 2010
School days school days!
So I should have posted this one before my P90 but all well! So I am halfway through my spring semester of school! I finished up my lame teaching Social Studies to K-8 class which is good because it was pretty frustrating, but we bonded more together as a class over it which is always a plus. My other class that I have had and will continue to throughout the semester is Literature for Elem kids II. Let me tell you that I have done more crafty, artsy fartsy projects than I have ever done in my life, but it's been fun! We have a few in our cohort that think these projects are stupid and a waste of a good share of our time, but really they are things that we will be doing and can use in our classrooms. I have made my own ABC Book, Smith Family Smith Family Book (like Brown Bear Brown Bear), Halloween Big Book, and book trading cards. We are currently creating our own autobiographies, and Flat Stanly projects this semester. Our class is 4 hours long every Thursday so I personally look forward to days like the one we had last week. We got in groups and did author studies. We did got to make our own butter, decorate "thunder cupcakes" in the dark to thunder sounds (yes, that was mine!), and self portraits made out of tissue paper. It was a hoot! The pictures are of these fun activities! Go Future Teachers!
Posted by
6:30 PM
I've made it a week!
Ok so I used my two rest days for the weekend and boy was it great! I thought about doing a little work out or something, but cannot tell you how nice it was just to veg! I have a couple of extra days to do homework so I didn't even have to worry about that. I made the bad mistake on Friday though of waiting until 11PM to work out and boy was that dumb. I couldn't get myself to sleep until 3. It worked out nice thought because I got to talk to a friend on facebook who is deployed in the Middle East.
The message group I got into are really supportive too and login daily so it is nice to chat with them. I just really need to work on my eating. I haven't lost any weight and I know it's because of I'm eating way more than I'm working off. I am probably right at my max calorie count right now, and that is with the P90 cardio/abs I just did along with my early weight lift and 3 1/2 mile brisk walk I did. I'm starting to remember that it's not fun to work this hard to work off my calories so hopefully by the end of this week I will eat like a normal human and not have to work out just to keep at 1450 calories.
I actually enjoyed working out too go figure! I kept reminding myself this morning that I could go back to bed and I did! But I'm stoked because one of the moves we did apparently lifts and perks the "girls" up so wahoo for that! I also kept on my sweatpants while I did cardio so I sweat twice as much!! Well keepin this one short because I want to post about my school stuff too.
Posted by
6:21 PM
Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 5 Yay Friday!!
Do you like how I keep exercising later and later. Apparently I procrastinate as much with exercise as I do with school work. It's a shame too because it was really nice outside and while I was at work I really thought about jogging, but then I got home and it just didn't happen. I almost used today as one of their rest days as well because I just didn't want to exercise. I didn't make it to the gym in the morning so I think that started it. It could also be because I ate to big ol greasy pieces of pizza! The lunch ladies love me what can I say?! It was really greasy though even for me, so in my brilliant mind I thought that by eating more bread type foods I could soak up the grease in my stomach! Trust me I've had a blond day all day today! I feel gross too, but I am not going to beat myself up over it because then I would talk myself out of this whole thing altogether!
I actually found a group of people that started the program the same day as me on the message boards as well so I am giving that shot! Our motto is sexy by summer! I am a moron though and apparently have forgotten how to do some of the ab exercises properly and jacked my neck up! I really think my abs were on strike over this new workout they are getting and just told my body "Nope not gonna do it!"
I actually get to sleep in tomorrow and I am totally excited about that! I also have 2 rest days so wahoo for me! I plan on posting pics from my school classes though because we did a lot of art projects and we all know how good I am at those! It was a super fun night though!
Posted by
11:03 PM
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Ok so I finally got my camera and rather than scare half the people I thought I would post my pictures at the end of my little blurb. I know my little blurbs have been novels so far but hey we all know I am long winded! Anywho I actually went to the gym with boys this morning as well as my Power 90 cardio. That's the name of it Darcy by the way. The main company is Beachbody and they have a ton of great stuff like Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, and slim in 6. But Tony is great! You start out annoyed with him, but then you start to look forward to his little comments everyday! I am trying to take this more serious and even posted my before pics on my little profile page on Beachbody's WOWY page. I apologize to anyone that gets grossed out from my pics, but I'm posting them for me. I had to work out late tonight because I'm the queen of procrastination and had homework and school to do. I really wanted to go to bed early to because I've come to realize that after 30 your body really does need sleep to recooperate! I have had the best sleep though which has been nice!
My eating was even better today! Are you ready for this?.... I actually had the opportunity to have 2 cupcakes today and passed them up. I even made some. Now don't get me wrong I had my share of the cake batter because hello?.. I am me after all and it's cake batter! I was bummed to find out though that the energy drink I was drinking while having my Jesse Spano moments contained calories! I hate drinking my calories! I'd rather enjoy cake hello!! I know I know energy drinks are bad, but hey I have to do what I have to do to get my work done! Well I actually want to post about my school projects to so this is a kind of short one! (Ya right!!)
Arms flexed: L:13" R:12.5" Thighs: L:22.5" R:23"(weird eh that my rt is bigger)
Bust: 39(depressing isn't it!) Calves: L:16.3" R:16
Waist(belly button): 36 BMI: 26.2(according to chart I'm officially ovr wght!)
2" Below Waist: 37.5 Body Fat: 32%
Hips: 41.5
Posted by
10:56 PM
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 3 Hump day!
Ok so the wake up call from my measurements really had me geared up to get my workout in. In fact it was the only reason I got up at 5:30 to go work out with a bunch of dudes! Yep I was the only girl! I got home from that workout and weighed myself and found out I gained 2 lbs. I was so sad and wanted to console myself with a cupcake (no I'm not an emotional eater at all :P) Luckily though I posted my dissapoint on facebook and got a lot of good encouraging feedback so instead of going crazy at the potluck today I did pretty dang good! I even skipped the cupcake! Yep it's true! I did have some cookies though. I tell you I have to stop cold turkey on the sweets! I think I might adopt the Catholic's observance of Lent and give sugar up even though Lent started a week ago!
I really wanted to skip doing the Power 90 workout but they have a little workout tracker online and I didn't want to flake out on the 3rd day! Plus I found out that if I stick with this 90 day progam my 90th day will actually be on my 33rd birthday!! So that regenerated my energy to see this through! I did extra abs at the gym as well and I'm excitd that they are sore! Once again I forgot my camera so no pics! I am including my lovely pic from the turkey trot though. How horrid is it?! I mean seriously why would they even post that! Homework time!
Posted by
10:08 PM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day 2 Wahoo!
Ok I readily admit it I am completely out of shape and there is no denial anymore! Yesterday's sculpting work out kicked my trash! I woke up pretty sore this morning, you would have thought I ran a marathon or did a Biggest Loser workout. I remember someone said on one of the many health infomercials that I have watched that they said they loved the sore feelings because it meant their body was getting back in shape! I am trying to tell myself that as well.
I ate pretty good during the day but that darn school potluck! A real Native American made Indian fry bread so I couldn't pass that up it would have been very racist of me right?! I didn't put any stuff on it though. One of the girls in my cohort makes these little cookie treats with vanilla waffers, cream cheese and rasberries. I figure it was my fruit intake for the day LOL! So yes the treats and sweet things got me again. I didn't eat lunch today so I still stayed in my 1400 calorie range, but I want to eat better foods. I have another potluck tomorrow at work, and after my downfall at this one I am more determined than ever to rise above the temptations. We'll see how it goes.
I didn't the power 90 cardio in this morning so unfortunately I had to do it after class and the sweet attack! Boy did I pay for it too! I actually felt that nausiated feeling that I hadn't felt since I did bootcamp at the gym. Not a fun feeling and it has definitely cured me of my sweet tooth for now! It felt good to get my heart rate up, but I was really bummed out at how hard my heart was pumping. It's sad that a body can go to pot so quickly! Age is probably a factor too, but I don't want to think about that issue right now :)
Tomorrow I am planning on double duty strength training with power 90 and going to my old high school gym. BB's son Herman and a couple of other guys work out everyday at the gym at 6am. I went off and on for a while and need to get back on the wagon. Drew will be joining me tomorrow to make sure I go. I might regret this decision tomorrow! I took my measurements as well and they aren't pretty my thighs since leaving Gilbert have literally spread 6 inches! So I have grown a whole foot length wise across my legs!! Thinking of things that way really puts things in perspective for me! I will post my measurements with my before pics which I hope to take tomorrow. I keep forgetting to bring my camera home! Well 6am comes quick so I am off to bed!
Posted by
8:59 PM
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 1 - Oh my buns!
Ok so I actually up and did Sculpt 1-2 of Power 90 and holy crap it actually kicked my butt! I was shocked, I used to do this program with little effort and today I struggled. Quite the wake up call for me and I can't live in my little world of denial dang it! I ate pretty good, but I did over indulge in this cream cheese, cream of chicken, green chile dip that my sister had made. I did keep my calories under 1500 which was good. Tommorow I need to be more strict and avoid the bad stuff. I also had some hot cocoa because it was rainy and cold outside and I couldn't resist. I know I know weak sauce!! Hence why I have to do better tomorrow. We are supposed to have a potluck for the last day of my class tomorrow so hopefully I will be stronger tomorrow. I will post pictures tomorrow I forgot my camera at school. I will also post my measurements which will be embarrassing but I need to see those numbers! If I got a wake up call from my work out today I can only imagine what will happen when I see my measurements!
We'll see what tomorrow brings! It is the cardio 1-2 and I am already dreading it! I will do it though I am committed! Go team!
Posted by
11:20 PM
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Enough is Enough!!
A little less than two years ago I had this body! Unfortunately due to laziness and poor time management skills I have let it go to pot! (What does that even really mean anyways go to pot?) Yes, a few pity parties have been had by myself since I have moved back home and attend school with people 10 to 12 years younger than me, but I am not going to let these excuse my actions any longer! I want my body back, I want my love of life back! My long lasting and don't get me wrong deliscious relationship with food has got to stop! I am from here on out going to use my blog as a form of accountability. I got Power 90 a long time ago (one of the many late night informercial impulse buys!) I saw great results especially when I had fun people to do it with like my UT friend Kilee and my old roommie Alene! Well I am going to put those 90 days to the test! I am making it official by posting on here that starting tomorrow I start Power 90. I am going to see it through to the 90th day! Does this mean I will be blogging everyday? Yes, that is what it means. I also plan to post what I ate, how I felt, and all that other stuff you are supposed to do. Will this be interesting to anyone else?....Nope can't say that it will be, but like I said it's about accountability. By posting what I ate I'm pretty sure I'll change my usual habit of oh 2000 + calories a day down to 1400 I hope! I will also be posting before pictures of me so that I can see if this whole process really does work like they say on their infomercials.
I just really want my life back! Laziness and lack of self discipline have been my friends for too long! On New Year's I made a bucket list of 10 things I wanted to do this year. I will also post those on this blog too for accountability purposes. If anyone does read this feel free to post back any helpful suggestions or ideas you might have for me as well. Anyone that knows me, knows how I feel about odd numbers and I will be turning 33 this year (yes, that is two uneven #'s!) I would like to be in a good frame of mind and comfortable with myself when this day comes. Otherwise you will see a Jesse Spano from Saved by the bell moment that will not be pretty! Well there it is. I have put it out there and now must follow through! For better or worse! I better get my butt to bed so that I can be ready for day 1!
Posted by
8:30 PM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Jakey's Blankies campaign #2
Hey Friends,
A year ago my friends the Dennison's welcomed a beautiful baby boy Jake to their family. Jakey was born with HLHS and unfortunately only stayed with us for 19 short days! Jakey earned his wings February 9th. Mind you though that this little guy was a fighter, and shared his sweet spirit with all that came into contact with him. I never got the honor or privledge to meet him, but let me tell you I felt his sweet spirit many times! Jake's amazing mom Liz, wanted to do something for the special heart babies and their families so she decided to make fabulous minkie blankets for these amazing kiddos. Last year I believe enough money was raised for 150 blankies! In honor of Jake, Liz wants to provide more "Jakey Blankies" to the Heart Hospital on February 9th, the day Jakey received his wings! Please check out her blog for all the info. She has a paypal account set up and everything. Times are tough I know, but any help would be greatly appreciated!
Liz's family blog is http://www.tylerelizabethdennison.blogspot.com
Posted by
10:13 AM
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