Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 1 - Oh my buns!

Ok so I actually up and did Sculpt 1-2 of Power 90 and holy crap it actually kicked my butt! I was shocked, I used to do this program with little effort and today I struggled. Quite the wake up call for me and I can't live in my little world of denial dang it! I ate pretty good, but I did over indulge in this cream cheese, cream of chicken, green chile dip that my sister had made. I did keep my calories under 1500 which was good. Tommorow I need to be more strict and avoid the bad stuff. I also had some hot cocoa because it was rainy and cold outside and I couldn't resist. I know I know weak sauce!! Hence why I have to do better tomorrow. We are supposed to have a potluck for the last day of my class tomorrow so hopefully I will be stronger tomorrow. I will post pictures tomorrow I forgot my camera at school. I will also post my measurements which will be embarrassing but I need to see those numbers! If I got a wake up call from my work out today I can only imagine what will happen when I see my measurements!
We'll see what tomorrow brings! It is the cardio 1-2 and I am already dreading it! I will do it though I am committed! Go team!


Darcy said...

You are awsome! Go Leslie!

dezertgirlaz said...

Oh Darcy this is a lot harder than I thought! I just wish I could get my eating under control! I can't pass up pizza like you did the other day!