Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not a good start to Spring Break!

Ok so I had such plans for my Spring Break! I finished my last class for the week on Thursday and planned on heading to Gilbert on Friday. I had lots to do before leaving so I decided I would save my P90 workout for that evening. That was the first mistake. I should have just got it out of the way. Instead I headed out of town, but my car LaFawnduh, had other plans. I got an hour out of town and she decided to over heat. I stopped at the casino to let her cool down and on the upside I did make $20!! LaFawnduh was just going to cooperate though and so I had to head back home to Safford. I was so stressed and worried that on my way home I stopped at Jack in the box and ate a horribly. Once I got home I thought about doing my workout, but my stomach was so upset and angry with me eating so bad that I couldn't do it. I found out LaFawnduh needs a new water pump grrrr!
I don't want this to be a Debbie Downer blog though! Good news is that I am getting quite a bit back from my taxes so it will cover my water pump. I got a ride up to Gilbert and will get back on my workouts tomorrow. Alene's apartment has a great workout room and the pool is heated so I am stoked. My day 30 will be here soon and I really need to kick it into gear so that there can be a difference between my before stats and pics! Signing off from Gilbert!!

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