Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 5 Yay Friday!!

Do you like how I keep exercising later and later. Apparently I procrastinate as much with exercise as I do with school work. It's a shame too because it was really nice outside and while I was at work I really thought about jogging, but then I got home and it just didn't happen. I almost used today as one of their rest days as well because I just didn't want to exercise. I didn't make it to the gym in the morning so I think that started it. It could also be because I ate to big ol greasy pieces of pizza! The lunch ladies love me what can I say?! It was really greasy though even for me, so in my brilliant mind I thought that by eating more bread type foods I could soak up the grease in my stomach! Trust me I've had a blond day all day today! I feel gross too, but I am not going to beat myself up over it because then I would talk myself out of this whole thing altogether!
I actually found a group of people that started the program the same day as me on the message boards as well so I am giving that shot! Our motto is sexy by summer! I am a moron though and apparently have forgotten how to do some of the ab exercises properly and jacked my neck up! I really think my abs were on strike over this new workout they are getting and just told my body "Nope not gonna do it!"
I actually get to sleep in tomorrow and I am totally excited about that! I also have 2 rest days so wahoo for me! I plan on posting pics from my school classes though because we did a lot of art projects and we all know how good I am at those! It was a super fun night though!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

School lunch pizza. It is about the best thing we have.