Friday, September 21, 2007

I have no idea what I'm doing!

Ok so here this goes. Donelle you were told to start a blog. Well I decided to put on my "big girl pants" and be the one to try this out and start it. Shocked and suprised? Me too! Well it's Friday and I could not be more excited. It's going to be hectic the next few weeks. I've got dog sitting, a nephew getting married in Vegas (retard!), and a super fun trip to California planned! Work is work and I am always ready to be done with it, but hey what can ya do right?

1 comment:

Donelle said...

Leslie, So you need to post on your blog more than once in a lifetime! I know you have many things to tell about...your trip to the dentist for one...I think it is pretty funny that you only had time to get one wisdom tooth pulled:) Good luck next week getting the other one pulled!